Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Adventures of Sami Rogan

*Singing to self....*

"Catch a falling star, and put it in your pocket. Never let it fade away....."

"My Mommy always sings this to me at bedtime."

"An' then she kisses me on the forehead, an' tucks me up all safe an' secure." "Then she wishes me Sweet Dreams."

"I love my Mommy, but she doesn't know me very well at all."

"Oh, Hello! I'm Samie. Samie Rogan. Short for Samantha."

"It's nice to meet ya!"

"Mommy's already gone for the day, She usually is. Her name is Sara."

"Guess I'll have to 'muse m'self again..........I know!"

"Why don' ya come play with me?"

"Now ta let 'em know I'm awake..........DAAAAADDDDDYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!"
*giggling softly*
"Jus' ta let ya in on a li'l secret, I'm not at all upset right now, but I jus' Looooove the way they come running! "

"Good Mornin', Daddy!"

"Yep, That's my dad, I got him soooo wrapped! His name is Karl. Everyone tells me I'm jus' like him, but I don' get it."
"I love him, but he laughs at me an awful lot... jus' shakes his head back and forth, and calls me 'his Gorgeous Gadoofus'. Wonder if he ever gets dizzy?" "What's a Gadoofus anyways?"

"Good Mornin', Joshie!"

"He hates it when I call him that. Always yelling that his name is Josh. Not Joshua, not Joshie....just Josh!" "Heh heh heh...."
"I love watchin' him get mad, He turns sooooo red!"

" He's my big brother, so I figure it's my duty to really make him mad, keep him in line, and put all the blame on him."

"But he looks out for me."

"Told me it was 'cause he's the only one who get's to pick on me, whatever that means."

" Ahhhhhhhh! That hit the spot!"

"Ooopppsss! Sorry." "Mommy says I'm not s'posed to talk with my mouth full, but I forget sometimes."

"There's so many thin's that Mommy tells me I have ta do. But how's I'm s'posed to 'member them all?"

"There goes Joshie. He says he goes to school in that thin'."

"Not sure I believe him."

The first time I saw it.....I got sooooo scared!"

"Here comes this Big, Scary, Yellow Monster..opened it's mouth up, so big, and ate Joshie right up!"

"Dumb ol' Joshie....never saw it comin'."

"He walked right on up into it himself."

"But that's ok....a little while later, and it came back, tummy all rumbly , and squealing in pain!"

"Threw Joshie up, right on the sidewalk too!"

"Figure it's 'cause he's so rotten."

"What's school anyways......?"

"Good Mornin' Nanny!" I am sooooo glad ya didn't leave me too!"

"By the time I finish breakfast, everyone's gone."

"Her name is Karen, but I call her Poppins."

"At least I did after she made me sit and watch it with her."

"And I had soooo many other thin's I coulda been doin'."

"And jus' how does she know when I am doin' somethin' fun, anyways?"

Always seems ta pop up, jus' when thin's get interestin'."

"Like the time I was rescuin' the fish."

I figured he needed air! I was savin' him, I swear it! But NOOOO! Had ta pull me 'way from the tank jus' as I almost had 'im!"

"We don't have fish anymore. I guess they shoulda let me rescue 'im, huh."

"Shhhhhh....Nanny went out ta get the paper. Think I 'll go out the other way." "Look out World! Here I come!!!!"

"Man! This tippytoey business is hard.....come on! But as the guy on T.V. says be vewy vewy quiet!"

"Well, here I am. Outside.....at last." "Even made it all the way 'round the house. So proud of me!"

"Thought for awhile there I'd made a wrong turn in that Al's Bar-B-Queckey place."

"At least that's what that bunny on the T.V. says."

"Hope they have more than carrots. I hate carrots!"

"Always wanted to travel jus' like him. He goes everywhere!" "

He's even met the Abumbliemabull Snow Man!"

"I like snow. So pretty and soft looking. Never thought it'd be cold tho'."

"And like the T.V. says...'Tastes great, Less feelin'!" " Just glad it don' taste like glue. Joshie was so mad at me......"

"I keep hearing that there are different kinds of snow, but it all looks the same ta me. Guess I'll try ta find some yellow snow....."

"wonder what that will taste like? Lemony, or buttery I guess....they're both yellow."

"Oh this is soooo much fun! I could stay here forever...."

"or at least 'til they find me."

" And they always do.....uh oh!"

"Gotta go potty now...Better get moving......"

" Not sure if I will make it.....gotta crawl faster....."

"almost there.... just around the........OooooooLookyThere! It's the Moosicmabobberthingy, or what ever they call it."

" I love to listen to this when Mommy and Daddy are playin' with it. But when Joshie plays...well...it sounds like daddy in the bathroom."

"But don't tell him I said that....He might shake his head again, and get dizzy." "Someday, I'm goin' ta be the bestest player in the world, just as soon as I'm big 'nough ta reach it!"

"Eeeeewwww...Squishy.......ok, where's Poppins when I need her?"

"Much better! Thanks Nanny!"

"Hey!.... What are you looking at? This is personal ya know.......does she have to use so much of that?"

"Ah... ah... aaahhhhchhhoooooo!"

"Bless Me!"

"Well, what else can I say? It was me sneezin', not you."

" Wait a minute...bath time already?"

"Man, I musta made a bigger mess than I thought."

"Come ta think of it, I am kinda cold......

Let me just grab my nose....

it looks soooo deep....

where's my rubber duckie?"

" I don' really mind bath time, but I figure if I don' learn how ta speak up for m'self now...I never will."

"And then I'll never get my own way."

"You ever have that problem?"

"That was kinda fun...

especially when I splashed ya right in the kisser Nanny!"

"Teached you ta not pay 'tention ta me.....hee hee hee!"

" Can we do it again?"

"Nah, I din't think she'd fall for it either......"

"but it was worth a try...oh well there's always tomorrow."

"Holy MoCheesemus Nanny!

That's a looooonnnng waaaaaaay doooooowwwwn........"

"Nappy time......ya don' tuck me up like Mommy does. But I guess it'll do." "'Sides when I wake up ...everyone will be home again, and I'll have people ta 'muse me.......now don' do anythin' I wouldn't do!"

"I used ta hate nappy time, but now that I'm older, I kinda gotta look at it thisa way....

a woman always needs her booooty sleep.

'Sides it keeps 'em on their toes when I am fully rested up and rarin' ta go......"

"Huuuhhhnnn....what's that noise?"

"Whatd'ya do this time Poppins? Set the house on fire?"

" And I was having such a gooood dream, too....."

"Do me a favor an' go lookin' for me while I get the sleeps outta my eyes, willya? Thanks!"


"Poppins DID set the house on Fiiiirrrrreeee!"

"Now what am I s'posed to do? Mommy tol' me over an' over....if I EVER hear this noise ta go outside..No Matter What!"

"Go looky again an' let me know what ya are seein'."


"So you're sayin' there's a big ol' fireman in my house?"

"In the Kitchen?"

" 'Cause Poppins set the stove on fire?"

"Hey, no fair! Where ya goin'? Hey! What about Sami......?"

"This thin' seems ta be stuck."

"Hey! ..... don' forget about me!!!!!."

"Lemme out! Lemme out! Leeeeemmmmmeeeeoooouuutttt!!!!!!!"

"I wanna Seeeee!!!"


"It's so quiet now. Where's Poppins?"

"What's going oooonnnnn!!!!!!! Somebody TELL me!!!!"

" Why do I always miss the goooood stuuuuuufffff!!!!"

"Guess I just have to sit here and wait."

"What ta do.....What ta do....."

"Mommy never let's me do this. Don' know why. She says it's not very ladylike." "Or nice."
"But it feels good, and my fingers fit so perfect. Jus' the right size!"

"So what else are ya s'posed ta do with 'em, I'd like ta know......"

"Ah Ha!!! Gotchya!!!"

"Eeeeeewwww! It won't come off!"

"Hmmmmm....sticky, like glue, wonder what it tastes like......"

"Wait a minute, it's green too! Like peas, and lima beans...."

"I don't like peas and lima beans!"

"But Mommy says I should eat 'em 'cause they're good for me.........."

"well...here goes....."

"Hiiiii Nanny! Sooooo glad to see ya 'gain!!!"

"Got somethin' for ya........right here........on your arm......whew!!!!!"

.....that was close!"

"Hi! Joshie....so glad to see ya again."

"You'll never guess what happened today."

"Well, it's like this....."

"Poppinssetthehouseonfirean'IwassoooomadthatIdin't gettaseeitandsoIcriedjustlikethisand....what?"

"Whatchya call me?"

"You'd better take that back!"

"You won't?"

"I'm gonna tell if you don'!"

You don' care?"

"Stop calling me a crybaby!! I'm NOT a CRYBABY! I'm Tellliiinnnn'!!!" "MOMMY!!!!! Joshies bein' mean to me again!!!!" "You're gonna be in Big Trouble Mister! You just wait an' see!" "MOMMMMMMYYYYYY!!!!!"

"Sometimes ya just gotta show 'em who's Boss around here."

"And that would be Me!"

"I love it when Daddy plays with me!"

"But sometimes he tickles me too much, and then I have ta pee."

But I'm laughing sooo much and I don' want him ta stop......."

"good thin' I'm wearin' pull ups, huh!"

" What's this?"

"And it's Open?"

"Aaaand no one's lookin'?"

"Oh Joy of Joys!!!!!! Hee hee hee heee heee heee!!!" "THIS is gonna be fun!"

"Splish! Splash" I was takin' a bath........"

" Come on, this is fun......"

"an' I know ya know the words....oh..it's coooooold water....brrrrrr!".

"Uh Oh!!!!!!!!!"

"It wasn't Me! Honest! Joshie did it!"

"I saw him with my own two eyeballs!"


" I loooovee you Mommy!"


"Not workin' is it? You don' believe me d'ya...."

"Ok...I'm busted...but ain' I jus' soooooo cuuuuuuute!"

"Not another bath......"


"What ever happened to any sense 'til proven glitt'ry?"

"I want my lawyer!"

"I demand a fair trail..........of my pears even!"

".......and still no rubber duckie! "

" I hope ya had as much fun today, as I did."
"And I think you all have learned a very valuable lesson......"

"If I'm Quiet....You'd Better Find Me!"

Author's Note:

I'd like to once again thank all the custom content creator's, without whom my stories would not be possible.

And I would also like to mention that it is such a relief to be able to type like an adult again. I hadn't realized just how much I had taken my own spelling skills for granted. Yes, I make mistakes, but with this story, I believe I have broken every rule I knew of, and quite a few more that I didn't .

I hope you have enjoyed Sami's Journey as much as I have!!!

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About Me

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Hi! My name is Melissa. And I am a Domestic Dictator. I rule my household with determination and sheer grit. And if you believe that, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Somewhere. And if you give me enough time, I'll figure out where. If I had to really describe myself, then I am at a loss for words. But I shall try. I would say I am a very creative person, with a sometimes big mouth, and a quick, and weird sense of humor. I like to write. I have written poetry, and stories. Some of these stories are based on the Sims2 Game.


Writing and pictures by Melissa

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